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The Three Immutable Universal Laws
by Abhijeet in

You've probably heard the saying, "Change is the only thing that stays the same."   Well, perhaps that's not completely correct.   There are certain physical laws that seem the same today as they were thousands of years ago.   One example of this is the law of gravity.
If laws, such as the law of gravity, do change, they change so slowly that, for our lives here on Earth at the present time, we can, for all practical purposes, consider them constant and without change.   Understanding the law of gravity and understanding how to apply it to your life give you two things:  a powerful tool to use in making your life easier and a warning regarding the consequences of ignoring/violating the law.  
The Three Universal Laws also fall into the category of the immutable and the unchangeable.   They, too,  are powerful tools you can use to make your life easier,  and like the law of gravity, they have serious consequences for those who ignore them.   Here they are in summary:
1)  The Law of Thought  --   We each create our own personal reality by our thoughts, feelings/emotions, beliefs,  attitudes, expectations, words, and actions.   We do so within the context of our human life on planet Earth, and within the contexts of the things we cannot change, such as our age, our gender, our genetic, ethnic and cultural origins.
2)  The Law of Allowing  --  I am that which I am.   You  are that which you are.   I allow you to be, have, do,  express, and experience who you are.   I ask and expect you to allow the same for me.   
Life is what it is.   I avoid judging, condemning, or attempting to alter those aspects of the external world over which I have no physical control.
3)  The Law of Intentional Creation  --  By correctly  applying the Law of Thought and the Law of Allowing to my life, I can intentionally re-create myself to be, do,  have, express, and experience, whatever I choose in life.
How successful would you be at winning a game if you had no idea what the rules were?   How successful would you be at reaching a destination if you had no map, no directions, no compass, and all the road signs were written in a foreign language?   Could you build a house without a set of plans or direct a stage play without a script?
Well, our human lives can be likened to a game with rules, a journey with a destination, a house built with a plan, and a stage play that follows a script.
And, underneath the specific plans for every game, each journey, all houses, and every successful stage play, there are “Three Universal Laws” that must also be known and applied if success is to be had.
Ignorance of these three laws causes chaos and confusion.   Ignoring them causes our experiences to come about mostly by accident, happenstance, and default.   To understand any aspect of life and to make conscious choices about that aspect, one needs to understand the three universal laws.
All three of these laws are vitally important because they exist and apply to all of us.   In every waking moment we are creating and/or altering our future, and we are doing so by way of the universal laws listed below.   We cannot not create, so our choice is to create either by accident and default or by conscious intention.  
These laws also apply to your life --  regardless of your beliefs  about the existence or non-existence of God  --   regardless of your beliefs  about the nature of God and creation -- and regardless of your beliefs  about what a human being actually is.   
The three rules below apply weather or not you like them, and whet
her or not you are even aware that the rules exist.   Each of our lives is a product of the past use of these laws.  There are no victims, only unconscious creators.  
Here are the rules.   Do with them as you will.
The Universal Law of Allowing means dropping all judgments and all emotional attachments to what others are, have, or do.  This is quite different from being tolerant.   Being tolerant is not liking what someone else is or does and holding emotion-laden, negative thoughts about them, but letting them be or do it any way.   Practicing The Universal Law of Allowing requires accepting others as they are and granting to them the same rights you ask for yourself -- the right to be, have, and do whatever you choose.  Here's one interpretation of that law:
I am that I am and You are that which You are.   I accept, honor, and respect you as you are.   I honor, allow, support,  and respect your right to be who you are, do as you do, and have whatever you have.   I honor your right to live your life as you choose, to worship God, or not, as you choose.   I honor those same rights in me and call for you to do likewise.
I honor the Golden Rule, “Do onto others as you would have them do onto you."   (or "Do onto others as they would be done onto.")    and call for you to do likewise.   As long as you avoid violating others, violating the rights of others or destroying our collective  environment, I will honor your right to be, do, have, express, and experience whatever you choose.
Here’s another way of expressing this law:
Love Yourself, love Your Neighbor, and love God with equal intensity, for all three are one and the same thing
Some Expressions of this Law:   Most Buddhists are quite skilled at practicing this law.   You might also notice that Buddhism is the only major religion that has never started a war.
You've probably also heard the Native American saying:  "Before you judge a man, you need to walk a mile in his moccasins."
Here is a way to practice expressing the Law of Allowing:   When you have an emotional reaction to someone else’s behavior, stop and tell yourself:  "He (she) is neither good nor bad.   I neither like him nor dislike him.   He just is.   He's another human being doing the best he can.   Given his mental programming and conditioning, his beliefs, his circumstances, his present needs and desires, I’d probably be doing pretty much as he is."
What Do You Choose to Support?   Are your familiar with the universal principle that says:  "To fight something is to feed it."    A part of your life force (the energy that sustains your body)  goes to support the physical reality of everything that you think about.   Do you really want you live your life tied to all those things you think are ugly and painful?   Do you really want to give your life force to those things you consider wrong?”   If your answer is "no," then break the emotional ties.   We have a practice for you that will assist you in doing that.
One way to practice the Law of Allowing:    Instead of making others wrong for who they are or what they do, become the observer and simply say, "That’s something I’m simply not willing to accept in my own life."   Then allow the other person to be, have, or do as he/she will, without trying to fix anything, or change them, or make them wrong for being who they are, for having what they have, or for doing what they are doing.
Here's a brief quote from The  Yoni  Dance, Book One -- Circles of Intimacy, Chapter 13,  The Law of Allowing, by R. Robin Cote’
Herbert points toward the window and says,   “Do you see that lamp post over there across the yard?”
“Yes,” I respond.
“Do you have emotional attachment to that post? — to where it is? — to what it does?”
“When you can hold that same attitude for all of your fellow human beings, you’ll have mastered the Law of Allowing.   Our job is simply to allow all others the free will choice to be who they are and do whatever they do.   By giving to others the same thing that we ask for ourselves, we walk our own talk.   We also become the role models and set the example for others to follow.”
“That lamp post stands there 24 hours every day, seven days every week, and at night, shines light on the surrounding area.   That's its nature.   That's what it is.   That's what it does.   If you’re mad, sad, angry, jealous, hateful or hold any other negative emotion regarding that post,  is it going to change what the post is or what the post does?”
“If you bitch, moan and complain to the lamp post,  is it going to change what it is or what it does?”
Again I say, “No.”
“If you bitch, moan and complain to someone else about the lamp post, is that going to change what it is or what it does?”
“The same is true for our fellow humans.   We each are whatever we are, and we do whatever we do.   We cannot change another’s nature, and, short of violence or threats of violence, we cannot force them to do other than what they do.   And even if we force them to do other than they do, they still remain who they are.”   
I ask, “What about using  lies and deception?”
"You can con them, cheat them, lie to them, or otherwise trick them into being or doing as you would have them be or do, but if you do, you steal their soul, you steal their freedom, you steal their God-granted right of self determination."   Two things you should know about that:  first, "What you do onto the least of mine, you do onto me,"   and second,  whatever you put out you'd best be prepared to receive it back.   
Applying the Law of Allowing of One's Self:   One of the commonly overlooked aspects of this law is applying it to one's self.   Christian tradition, which holds a very strong influence over many people in the United States,  has done well at teaching about love for God and your neighbor.   Unfortunately, it has been a dismal failure at teaching people to love themselves, and as you may already know, if you don’t love yourself, your ability to love anything or anyone else is drastically reduced.   
Regarding beliefs and thoughts about one' self, there is also the tendency to go to the opposite pole -- to actively judge and  dislike one's self -- to feel guilty about being who you are, -- to feel guilty about doing what you do -- to feel guilty about about what you have done in the past.   
And as you well know,  rather being forgiving and allowing, most people have been taught, and presently believe, that those found to be guilty of any wrongdoing should be punished.   This leads to the natural progression where guilt about one's self seeks punishment from one's self.  When that is the case, then the underlying theme in the persons life becomes one of  attracting punishment or withholding the manifesting of one's desires.   
In your life, who is your harshest critic?   Most people will answer that question with the words, "I am."    Because the space of negative self-judgment is the foundation of self punishment, we recommend that the first place to apply the law of allowing to yourself.   
Allow yourself to be as you are and do as you do.   That's not to say you should be complacent and continue doing things that are producing negative results.  Rather, it's about focusing on who you choose to be and recreating your self as a manifestation of your positive self-image.   
For a better understanding of how this law works, see the section titled:  The Vibrating Universe.°    
 In this vibrational universe, experiences  are not created "out there" in the external, physical world.   They are created inside one’s own mind.  Every human act starts with a thought.    Intentionally creating something that is desired and intentionally changing an unwanted experience are both accomplished by shifting one’s own vibration to be in harmony with the vibration of that which one chooses to be, do, have, and/or experience.   Vibration is a function of thought.   When a person thinks about something, he/she vibrates in harmony with it.   The point of mental focus directs the universal creative energy to physically manifest that which has been the object of attention.     It’s called “The Universal Law of Thought.”  
In essence this law says that we create and attract our Earthly experiences by our dominant thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, expectations.   Our thoughts are the steering mechanism; our emotions access the power of creation; and our beliefs and expectations produce the contexts° within which our thoughts must manifest.    There is a time delay between something being created and the time when is appears in physical reality.   Since we have so many thoughts, they tend to collect together.   The dominant thought patterns become our physical reality.
In every waking moment, we are creating or altering our future.   Our lives are a product of our thoughts, our visualizations, our intentions, our emotions, our feelings, our beliefs, our attitudes, our expectations, and what we will (or will not) allow yourselves to experience.   Our lives are also a product of our spoken words and our physical actions.
Here’s the same thing in different words:
Within the context of life in a human body on planet Earth, we each create our personal experiences by our thinking, that is, by whatever we give our thoughts to.   We empower our thoughts with our emotions, and our thoughts manifest within the context of what we believe, what we expect, and what we will (or won’t) allow ourselves to experience.
And in a list format:
My physical experiences are  a function of:
u    my thoughts,
u    my attitudes,
u    my beliefs,
u    my intentions
u    the results I expect,
u    the words I silently speak to myself   (self-talk),
u    the words I speak or listen to in the external world,
u    the sounds I imagine I hear,
u    the sounds from my environment that simply come into my ears,
u    the sounds I intentionally focus on and listen to  in
            the external world,
u    the pictures, visions, and circumstances I imagine  in my  mind,
u    the pictures, visions, and circumstances I see in the external world,
          including what I watch on television,
u    my feelings    (internally and externally generated emotions),
u    my physical sensations,
u    what I will do, 
u    what I will allow into my life,
u    what I won’t do,  and u    what I will not allow into my life,   and finally,
u    my actions (what I actually do). 
Our attitudes, beliefs and expectations are thoroughly programmed into our subconscious minds which are infinitely more powerful than our conscious minds.
Our feelings (our emotions)  are also a major factor.   Thoughts accompanied with strong emotion have much more power and manifest much faster than thoughts that have little emotion attached to them.   Whether the emotions are positive or negative is irrelevant.  Whether our thoughts are intentional or simply come as a response to our environment is irrelevant.  For example, the things we watch and hear on television have a significant effect upon our experiences. 
And here it is in Christian Biblical language:
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God."
And here’s the same thing still again  in only eight words:
Our lives are what our thoughts make them.
Within the context of your Earthly reality and within the existing economic, social, technological, and political structures, “The Law of Intentional Creation” means to use “The Law of Allowing” and “The Law of Thought” to consciously and intentionally create anything you choose in your own personal reality.
No Victims:   There are no victims, only unconscious creators.   We create one-hundred percent of our personal experiences.   That's bad news for those who live in victim consciousness.  Why?  Because their personal creation process creates all the garbage in their lives for which they blame others, and it creates all the circumstances that they claim are beyond their control.   
That's not to say that those who are creating negative experiences for themselves are guilty of anything.  It's not about blame; it's about responsibility.  It's not about punishment;  it's about recognizing cause and altering one's causal thoughts, beliefs and actions.  Nobody intentionally creates problems for themselves.   Most people simply create their experiences by accident and by default.  Instead, if you choose to do so, you can learn to consciously and intentionally create your own experiences.
Co-Creations:   We must also consider the fact  that a great many of our creations are done with the conscious or unconscious cooperation of others.   Co-creations include everything from two people privately interacting to the entire human collective consciousness.   For example, the computer you are now using to read these words is a collective co-creation.   It is the result of the cooperation and the work of literally hundreds of thousands of people.
Where co-creations are concerned, you cannot control the creations of another.   You can, however, control your response to what you find yourself experiencing.  And you can influence how and what others create.
A Blend:  Our experiences are a blend of all the factors mentioned above.  Are your thoughts, your visualizations, your intentions, your emotions, your feelings, your beliefs, your attitudes, your expectations, your words, and your actions aligned with whatever you intend to create?  If all of the aspects listed above are not aligned with your stated intentions,  the power of your stated intentions is about as effective as whistling into the wind and expecting to direct a hurricane.  
You Are NOT Asking:   Remember that you, by your thoughts, beliefs, words, actions and emotions, direct the universal energy.   You are not asking.   You are directing.   And not from an ego space of "Look how powerful I am,"  because everybody has the same power.   You are simply applying the universal laws in the same manner that you would invoke the law of gravity to assist you in rolling your car down a hill.   You can direct the universal energy in whatever manner you choose and it simply follows.   
The Laws Are Simply Laws:   There are no rights, wrongs, or moral judgments involved.   The laws simply function as invariably as the law of gravity.   The Universal Laws, like the law of gravity, function twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week with absolutely no vacation time.   They function whether or not you want them to, and they function even if you are completely ignorant that these laws even exist.  You can use one law to temporarily countermand another ( such as using the laws of aerodynamics to counter the law of gravity) but you cannot destroy or suspend the laws.   
You are always at choice:  Apply the laws by chance, happenstance, accident, and ignorance, or apply them by conscious intent.
Applying the Law of Intentional Creation to Your Life:
The steps required to  accomplishing a common physical task are  incredibly similar to those required to manifesting an uncommon goal (a desire - a vision - an intention).  
Most people use the process described below unconsciously to accomplish their everyday activities.   The steps are so natural to us that most of us give them almost no conscious thought.   However, when your intention is to manifest a new goal, it is important to follow these steps consciously and intentionally.   Let's compare the two processes.
Accomplishing a Physical Task:  Imagine yourself getting into your car and driving to a destination.   How many possible places could you go to?  The number of choices is almost infinite.   All the destinations are already there.   You don't need to create them.   You simply need to choose a destination and then take the necessary steps required to get there.   In this example, imagine that you have been away from your beloved for over a month and your task is to drive your car to your home where he/she awaits you.    How do you get there?   
u    The very first step is to declare your intention to go to your home.
u    At the start of your journey  (when you first declare your intention) you cannot see, hear, feel, smell, or taste your destination, and yet,  you know your  home and your beloved are real and are there awaiting your arrival.   
u    You think about and focus your mind on your destination.
u    You set a time frame by determining when you expect to havereached your home.
u    Your attitude is one of joyous expectancy.
u    You are fully confident that you can take all the necessary stepsrequired for you to  get there.   
u    You  expect to get there.
u    You  understand what the rules are, how the game is played, what is required of you in order for you to get your destination.   In this example, you know how to drive your car, read a map, etc.
u    You continue to hold the vision of being home.
u    You are willing to take all the steps you must take and do all the things you must do.   You begin and do them one at a time.
u    What you experience along the way home is consistent with or neutral to  your successfully reaching your goal.
l    Your self talk -- The words you speak to yourself about your destination,
l    The words you speak or listen to with others, 
l    The sounds you imagine and hear in your mind,
l    The sounds you randomly hear coming to you from your environment,
l    The sounds you intentionally focus on and/or listen to  in  the external world, 
l    The pictures, visions, and circumstances you imagine  in your  mind,
l    Your feelings  (your internally and externally generated emotions.)
l    Your physical sensations,
All these thoughts, physical sensations, and emotions are consistent with or neutral to your reaching your goal.    If you have thoughts, sounds, visions, doubts, etc. about you not reaching your home,  you simply step beyond them.
u    You are willing to allow your anticipated experience (your arrival home) to come  into your life.
u    Failure is not an option.   Thoughts of failure are simply tossed out of your mind. 
u    You do whatever is required. 
u    "You do what works and what you do works,"  and soon, you find yourself at home with your beloved.
Attracting a New Experience:  
Now take the same steps you used to get home and apply them to manifesting an uncommon goal --  a goal that, at the moment, appears to be absent from your life.    Let's pick another example.   Suppose, for a moment, you are single and want to be in a loving intimate relationship.
Remember now,  your new lover is already real.   Your job is simply to meet him/her and recognize him/her when you do meet.   Your job is not one of creation.   It's one of attraction.   You are simply weaving your way throughthe maze of  infinite possible experiences on your way to the ones you choose to experience in this life.   
You  transform your goal  into a physical experience  in a manner similar to that used to get to a physical destination in the example above.   Some of the rules are different, but manifesting a lover and driving your car to a chosen destination are both, first and foremost, mental creations.  In order to manifest your goal, you are required to follow the rules and use the tools at your disposal.   With some minor changes, the rules for getting to a physical location are very similar to manifesting a romantic partner.  
Here are the similarities and changes.   
u    You declare your intention to find a lover. 
u    At the start of your journey  (when you first declare your intention) you cannot see, hear, feel, smell, taste your beloved, and yet,  you know he/she  is real and is in the world somewhere waiting for your arrival.   
u    You think about and focus your mind on your destination.
u    You set a time frame by determining when you expect to have reached your destination.
u    Your attitude is one of joyous expectancy.
u    You are fully confident that you can take all the necessary steps required for you to  get there.   
u    You  expect to get there.   When doubts arrive, you just let them be;   you refocus on your goal.
u    You  understand what the rules are, how the game is played, what is required of you in order for you to get your destination.   Here's where the two processes are slightly different.   Your tools for manifesting a vision are not physical.   Your tools are your thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, expectations, etc.   Re-read the section above titled:  The Universal Law of Thought    These are the tools for finding your beloved.
u    And while holding the vision of your new lover, you are willing to take all the appropriate steps and do all the things that appear to be the things to do.   
u    You ask your self, "What seemingly simple step can I take right now today that appears like it will move me closer to my goal?"   You take that step.    You look for other steps.  You begin doing  them one at a time.   
u    Your beloved comes to you not because you are taking these steps.   He/she comes to you while you are taking these steps.   Creation is in the mind and not in physical activity.   Your physical activity simply focuses your mind on your goal, and your focus directs the universe to bring to you what you are focused on.   
        That's not to say you can sit back and do nothing.  Because you are a co-creator, your activities are important in moving you into the right places at the right times to bring you goal into your physical reality.   Your activities also alter the physical contexts and conditions which assist in the final steps of your personal creations.
u    You focus your attention on your goal and you make sure that  your experiences along the way are consistent with or neutral to  your successfully reaching your goal. 
l    Your self talk -- The words you speak to yourself about your destination,
l    The words you speak or listen to with others, 
l    The sounds you imagine and hear in your mind,
l    The sounds you randomly hear coming to you from your environment,
l    The sounds you intentionally focus on and/or listen to  in  the external world, 
l    The pictures, visions, and circumstances you imagine  in your  mind,
l    Your feelings  (your internally and externally generated emotions.)
l    Your physical sensations.
You make sure that all these thoughts, physical sensations, and emotions are consistent with or neutral to your reaching your goal.   If other thoughts, sounds, visions, doubts, etc. come to you, you simply let them be.   You step beyond them and re-focus on your goal.
u    You are willing to allow your anticipated experience (your new lover) to come  into your life.
u    Failure is not an option.   Thoughts of failure are simply tossed out of your mind. 
u    You do whatever is required. 
u    "You do what works and what you do works,"  and soon, you find yourself  in a loving intimate relationship.
The Major Stumbling Blocks to
     Successful Manifestations Are:
u    Lack of self worth which says I'm not worthy of having what I want,
u    Believing in false stories about who and what you are,
u    Not understanding how the manifestation process works, 
u    Not trusting your ability to apply the rules correctly,
u    Not applying the rules correctly,
u     Interfering with the universe by declaring how your goals must manifest,
u    Lack of commitment, and
u    Playing victim --  something out there must change before I can      have what I want.


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