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The Law of Attraction
by Abhijeet in

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction
Wow! There's been a ton of talk and publicity in recent years related to the Law of Attraction.
Even though many people have never heard of it before, it has been known and practiced for many years.
If you look, you can find it through out history under a variety of names....

Can The Law of Attraction Make A Difference In Your Life?

How can it make a difference in your life?
The Law of Attraction is a universal law that explains how our thoughts and attitudes draw the things we focus on to us.
Whatever we focus our energy and attention on, we will attract more of the same.
When we focus constantly about negatives, we will draw negative things to us.
When we focus about positive things, we will draw positive things to us.
Like attracts like.
Sounds simple enough.
The thing to understand about the Law of Attraction is whether you believe it or not, understand it or not, it is working right now in your life.
Our thoughts and intentions are very powerful things! Our feelings are our guide. Are you feeling great? You are right not on a vibrational level attracting wonderful things to yourself.
By harnessing that power, rather then letting it run rampant, we can create the reality we desire.
This is not metaphor or mystical nonsense; it is a real law of the universe.
The universe is energy, and is affected by the energy of our thoughts and intentions.
Do you think most people are focused on positive or negative thoughts?
Well, that's an easy enough answer.
Go to any coffee shop, hair salon, grocery store and just listen to the conversations around you.
I won't even mention conversations at the gas station......SCARY!!!
Why are most conversations negative? That's how we've been taught to relate. High gas prices, who died, who's sick, grocery prices.....
So, how can we expect different results?
We can, when we change the conversations we are having! The most important conversations we have.......are with ourselves!

Don't, Not and No

I love how Michael J. Losier explains in his book Law of Attraction, that when you use the words, "Don't, Not, and No," you are giving your attention and focus on what you don't want.
Have you said these?
Don't touch that!
You are not to eat those cookies before dinner.
No running!
I've said ALL of those to my kids!
What do they hear?
They hear...
Touch that.
Eat those cookies before dinner.
Don't, not and no are just canceled out in their mind. The same goes for us!
If I said to you, "Don't think about a rainbow."
Boom! A picture of a rainbow just popped into your head!
Most people don't understand this, and because they don't understand it, they never get the things they are working towards.
Begin to talk about....
what excites you,
what you are creating,
what you desire......
.....watch what blossoms in your world!

The Law of Attraction

Our Thoughts Are Like Seeds

In the greater world of the universe, just like on a farm, you reap what you sow.
Sowing positive thoughts, and intentions of the things you want to happen, will give you a harvest of positive things in your life.
Sowing negative thoughts and fears to everything you don't want to happen and you will reap unintended consequences that make your life more difficult, and less positive.
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”-Robert Louis Stevenson
We witness this all the time within our society. The one that thinks, focuses and talks of being sick attracts more illness. The one that has conversations about prosperity has more prosperity.
Sure it sounds easy!.....
.....But it can be difficult, after a life time focused on fears and in a society that encourages us to worry constantly, to discipline our mind to the results we desire, instead of the results we fear.
It is important to remember the connection between our thoughts, and the things that happen to us.

Thoughts Become Things

Thoughts are not little or weak, they are very powerful.
The truth is not that a thought can change the world, but that every thought does change the world.
If this sounds strange or unbelievable to you, think of how often we've been told 'mind over matter'.
That's really what the Law of Attraction is.
The energy of the mind is more powerful then physical reality.
Stop and think a minute.
Really, the whole universe is made of energy, just like your thoughts.
And your thoughts are just as powerful as any other energy in the universe.
If you want to learn more about the Law of Attraction, there is a great deal of information available, and a lot of very good teachers.
Just remember that no matter what happens, the power to make a difference in your life is within you. 


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