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30 laws of arts
by Abhijeet in

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Sullivan’s Law

Louis Henri Sullivan
Form ever follows function.

Wharton’s Law

Andy Ihnatko
If you were forced to read the book in high school, you’ll probably hate the movie too.

White’s Rule for Rating Poets

E. B. White
All poets who, when reading from their own works, experience a choked feeling are major. For that matter, all poets who read from their own works are major whether they choke or not. All women poets dead or alive who smoke cigars are major . . . All poets named Edna St. Vincent Millay are major . . . a poet who in a roomful of people is noticeably keeping at a little distance and seeing into things is a major poet.

Anderson’s Law

Robert Anderson
You can make a killing in the theatre, but not a living.

Armitstead’s Law of Book Reviewing

Claire Armitstead
A good review is considered nepotism; a bad one professional jealousy.

Atwood’s Fourteenth Corollary

Alan Atwood
No books are lost by lending except those you particularly wanted to keep.

Culshaw’s First Principle of Recorded Sound

John Culshaw
Anything, no matter how bad, will sound good if played at a very high volume for a short time.

Eve’s Discovery

At a bargain sale, the only suit or dress that you like best and that fits you is the one not in the sale. Adam’s Corollary it’s easy to tell when you’ve got a bargain - it doesn’t fit.

Gove’s Law of Gaudy Book Covers

Michael Gove
Never read any book in which the author’s name appears in gold or silver on the cover.

Twain’s Rules for Pleasing Authors

Mark Twain

Emerson’s Second Law

Ralph Waldo Emerson
If a man write a better book preach a better sermon or make a better mousetrap than his neighbor tho’ he build his house in the woods the world will make a beaten path to his door.

Fyfe’s Laws of Revision

1. Information necessitating a change of design will be conveyed to the designer after and only after the design is complete. Corollary In simple cases, presenting one obvious right way versus one obvious wrong way, it is often wiser to choose the wrong way so as to expedite subsequent revision.
2. The more innocuous the modification appears to be, the further its influence will extend and the more necessary the design will have to be redrawn.
3. If, when completion of a design is imminent, field dimensions are finally supplied as they actually are instead of as they were meant to be, it is always simpler to start over again from scratch. Corollary. It is usually impractical to worry beforehand about interferences - if you have none someone will make one for you.

Gibbon’s Law

Edward Gibbon
All that is human must retrograde if it does not advance.

Laver’s Law of Fashion

James Laver
The same costume will be:
- Indecent: 10 years before its time
- Shameless: 5 years before its time
- Outré (daring): 1 year before its time
- Smart- Dowdy: 1 year after its time
- Hideous: 10 years after its time
- Ridiculous: 20 years after its time
- Amusing: 30 years after its time
- Quaint: 50 years after its time
- Charming: 70 years after its time
- Romantic: 100 years after its time
- Beautiful: 150 years after its time

Maddocks’s Law of Literature

Melvin Maddocks
Novelists with the most damned consciences tend to write the most blessed prose.

Mizner’s Law of Research

Wilson Mizner
If you steal from one author it’s plagiarism; if you steal from many it’s research.

Plimpton’s Small Ball Theory

George Plimpton
The smaller the ball used in a sport, the better the book.

Rawson’s First Law

Hugh Rawson
As soon as you dispose of a book, even one that has gathered dust for years, a pressing need to refer to it will arise.

Rubin’s First Law

Louis D. Rubin
All writers are neurotics, but not all neurotics are writers.

Socrates’s Law

The life which is unexamined is not worth living.

(John) Yardley’s Law

John Yardley
Pretty is what works.

(Sydney) Smith’s Secret

Sydney Smith
Digestion is the great secret of life.

Blundell’s Law

William E. Blundell
All books over five hundred pages that weren’t written by Dickens or a dead Russian are better left on the shelf.

Browning’s Observation

Robert Browning
Less is more.

Byron’s Law

Truth is stranger than fiction.

Carothers’s Insight

A. J. Carothers
Something happens to a man when he puts on a necktie. It cuts off all the oxygen to his brain.

Cohen’s Rules of Book Publishing

Roger Cohen
1. There is only one thing worse than losing an auction for a book - and that is winning it.
2. It is nearly always more profitable to leave your money in the bank than to venture into trade book publishing [i.e. fiction and non-fiction for general readers as opposed to textbooks, reference books and so on] where a profit margin of even 5 percent is elusive.
3. No two people will agree on anything, even where to have lunch.

Creasey’s Law

John Creasey
Never buy an editor or publisher a lunch or a drink until he has bought an article, story or book from you. This rule is absolute and may be broken only at your peril.

Duggan’s Law of Scholarly Research

Michael A. Duggan
The most valuable quotation will be the one for which you cannot determine the source.

Eliot’s Observation

T. S. Eliot
Immature poets imitate mature poets steal.
There are three infallible ways of pleasing an author and the three form a rising scale of compliment;
1. Tell him that you have read one of his books;
2. Tell him that you have read all of his books;
3. Ask him to let you read the manuscript of his forthcoming book.
No. 1 admits you to his respect; No. 2 admits you to his admiration; No. 3 carries you clear into his heart.


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